Friday, March 1, 2013

Username & Password


Username & Password

I just forgot details to one of my old account and I entered my alternate email to recover my password details. How convenient, I forgot my alternate email ID details! So here I am... 
While technology is at its best today, there are flaws too.

With today's virtual world, one cannot do without a username and password for accounts in gmail, yahoo, hotmail, facebook, twitter, bank accounts, online transactions which require login details, varied websites that need login details etc.

The hassles tagged along - You need to change your passwords frequently. Changing passwords frequently is the prime spot on reason for me to forget my passwords. Coming up with new combos (alphas, numbers, characters) is a skill by itself. Not to forget; the notification on weak and strong passwords! Few of the sites, you cannot use the same passwords used once upon a time. I have had my bank account locked for incorrect passwords. Sigh! The trouble to retrieve my password - It was not just "Forgot your password" that did wonders for me. There were security questions to get through. I understand these are security measures but c'mon it does get frustrating at a point when you denied of your own identity. Had to patiently try and convince (with the question rounds and verification's) that the account belongs to ME.

At one point in life, the least I did hear of passwords was for my mom's bank account. Even if you had accounts, it would have been so very limited and one would obviously remember their details. The last I remember receiving frequent handwritten messages / mails was back in early 2000's. Gone are the personal touch messages. Those were the days on paper and pen... no address link, username, password, compose message and send!

It is painstaking to forgot a password when I need to access an account asap! So now, I write down all my passwords against each account. Now, I would not just write the passwords on a piece of paper. It would be encrypted :D.

I understand there is something called Password Management?! I mean ... seriously?!! Not that I would want an external source to manage my accounts. I am content with my encrypted version and no... my document is not password protected :)

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