Sunday, March 8, 2015

Another resemblance to Nirbhaya and the DOCUMENTARY

These disturbing news forced me to write down yet again; yet again because its again a rape. This time (infact all the time), a disturbing one and in eerie resemblance to the Nirbhaya case. Another Nirbhaya; now, a 6-year-old molested in Ahmedabad, mutilated with iron rod.

Never ending debates, discussions, commentaries, candle lights, documentaries - I personally find all these futile attempts to convey a message across.

Gruesome rape (any degree) should be painfully punishable - not just death sentence. A long term sentence followed by hanging to death does not seem to instill fear in a rapist. (Well, that's how I felt seeing this unaffected, lack of remorse species in the documentary). Additionally he* claims that the death penalty will make things even more dangerous for girls - now when there is rape, they will just kill the girl. Death! Thank you for the warning! One would opt death after a gruesome rape, you zero watt!

(* - Not worth using his name out here!). 

At least, and yes... at the least for this particular TOPIC of rape, I believe in action - an extreme action! Since all the government sets is "humanity based judgement", we in unity should take action. A huge extrajudicial mob - fearless and ferocious (others excuse), fully equipped to tackle the forces should break into the prison, drag these species out and left to our degree of torture! 

What I did not like about the documentary

1. Interviewing this moron and having me hear his remorseless talks
2. As a human being, he gathered in me heaps of hatred and an outrage to do something brutal to them. Mental disturbance!
3. I know the incident - heard it several times hoping and praying justice will be done. I was personally affected by it. However, a graphic representation of the incident all over again.  

Again re-enacting the whole incident was like a mini movie - having an innocent girl with a dream, several villains, a rape incident and aftermath and a final 3-5 mins conclusion on educating the mindsets! Did I just miss those 2 "confident" supporters - who seemed the Gurus of Women & Rape! What was the idea behind this video?! I do not remember any other documentaries - say for example, On Kasab?! All this documentary did to me was Point 1, 2, 3!

If the idea behind the documentary is - Changing mindset of people, how they should value woman; I suggest an exclusive, independent, full impact documentary - not a conclusion!

Now the argument is on the ban of the video, FOR or AGAINST the video, unethical BBC, changing the mindset of people - the list seems endless but missing the PRIORITY RIGHT NOW

Dealing with this rapist and any one who even thinks to rape in the future!

Calling out for a mob to break into the prison, drag them out, deal with them for hours together and finish them! Salute to Nagaland unity!  

The law should not be as "simple" as death by hanging! Or the nation will begin and continue to resort to Extrajudicial Mob Action!

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